International Firebird Book Award winner in Romantic Comedy
A riotously funny postmodern novel.

Liam O’Connor doesn’t know what hit him. It’s 1992, and his life’s sideways. Six years since his debut novel became a bestseller, five since he bailed New York for small town Wisconsin, he has yet to produce a follow-up. At forty-three, alone and befuddled, he hides his neuroses and insecurities behind a blustery façade that fools no one. Commitment-averse, he’s dated and left every divorcée in town. Then he meets Sylvia—a beer-loving, tattooed railroad worker, and she seems the perfect antidote.
So why not take a flyer on her? He met her at a nice dinner party. What could possibly go wrong?

“At the core of Liam’s Lady lies a touching narrative that resonates with anyone who has ever faced the crossroads of life.”
“J.C. Adams is a wonderful author whose book showcases humor and life lessons intertwined in a charming narrative, inviting you to reflect on your adventures!”
“Adams' ability to capture the essence of human folly makes his experiences relatable, whether it's a mindless blunder or the infamous foot-in-mouth disease.”
Liam's Lady can be purchased through both Solstice Publishing and Amazon.